
Binance Banned: ByBit fixes this
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For those that want to invest or trade crypto. Here’s the exchange that i recommend. BYBIT. its the #2/3 ranked exchange in world. My Referral Link: Get $20 welcome bonus if: 1. you sign up with my referral link 2. get Level 1 KYC verified 3. Deposit minimum $100 4. Wait for $20 welcome bonus HOW TO DEPOSIT: To deposit money into your account, here’s a step by step tutorial: 1. go to “buy crypto”, then click on “one-click buy”. 2. for “one-click buy”, just type how much you want to buy in USDT, then clcik on “bank transfer” and then just do an online transfer to the bank account of seller. 3. once deposit is done, seller will release crypto (usdt) to your Bybit account. FAQ Q: How can i be sure that after i deposit to seller’s bank account, that the USDT will be sent to my account? A: The USDT of the seller is in escrow, which means that its locked by Bybit. Once you pay the seller, they have to release the crypto to you. if they dont, you can
Chris Tan
Run time: 07:22
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Binance is officially banned in the Philippines.
Sa mga may hindi alam, the SEC has banned Binance in the Philippines.
But, you can actually still access the Binance app as of today.
But the SEC has already announced that they're going to disable access to the app for users in the Philippines.
And that's going to be the final nail in the coffin.
Ngayon, for people that have crypto in Binance, the question is,
which exchange should you be trading crypto in?
Meron akong option na i-recommend sa inyo.
It's called Bybit.
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