
Olympic cauldron lit on French soil for Games
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The Olympic flame landed on French soil amid tight security on Wednesday (May 8), firing the starting gun on a summer extravaganza of sport that President Emmanuel Macron hopes will showcase the splendors of France and burnish his legacy. The flame arrived in Marseille, a port city in southern France founded by Greek merchants, after a 12-day trip from Greece onboard the Belem, a 128-year-old three-masted tall ship that once transported sugar from France's colonies in the West Indies to the metropole. The torch was brought to land by Florent Manaudou, France's 2012 Olympic men's 50 meters freestyle swimming champion, who handed it to Paralympic athlete Nantenin Keita, a 400 meters gold medallist at the Rio Games in 2016. She then passed it on to Marseille-born rapper Jul, who lit the cauldron in front of an ecstatic crowd estimated at 150,000. - Report from Reuters For more ABS-CBN News, click the link below: Check out the latest news
Run time: 04:31
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J'entends rien du bruit pour toi, s'il vous plait!
On a regardé ce spectacle sur France Television et sur France 2 ce soir concern éveilement avec Soprano et Alonso.
On s'dit que, bah voilà, si bien nous unissons et que c'est magnifique une France 2.
Laurent Laloub qui vous salue sur le PNM, je vois le souvenir de Tony Stangy, on est en train de l'aider,
mais un truc de bagne, un truc en dessous de fanart, c'est ça, le honneur qui sera ce soir sur 150.
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