
Germany sends several medal hopefuls to swim in Paris | ABS-CBN News
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The German swimming team is looking forward to the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris. Being in great spirits and shape, the team includes several medal hopefuls, currently preparing for the tournament at the Olympic swimming pool in Berlin. The German Swimming Association (DSV) will have a defending champion in the water - Florian Wellbrock, gold medalist in the 10 km open water swim. The DSV had not been winning international medals for several years, but the reigning champion sees a turnaround in this trend. “We've always been able to win medals in recent years and this year we have Angelina Koehler, Isabel Gose, Lukas Maertens, myself and hopefully a few others up our sleeve who definitely have what it takes to swim at the forefront of the competition,” says Wellbrock. The German athlete wants to compete in two disciplines at the Olympics, defending his title in the 10 km open water swim as well as the 1,500 meter swim. For team colleague Isabel Gose recent competitions are also going swimmingly.
Run time: 06:15
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I am Florian Wellbrook, Olympic winner in freshwater swimming and I would definitely like to take a medal from Paris with me home.
Hi, my name is Isabel Gose and I took three medals with me home at the last WM, including a vice world champion title.
And the goal for my second Olympic Games is to get the best out of myself.
My name is Lukas Mertens and I am a multi-time WM medal winner and in Paris I would also like to swim around the medals.
Hello, I am Angelina Köhler, I am world champion in freshwater swimming and my big dream is to reach the final at the Olympic Games.
Thanks to God, we have achieved a slight trend change in the last few years.
There was a time in the DSV where no international medals were collected at all, but now it is by God's grace that it is over.
We have been able to get medals in the last few years and this year we have again with Angelina Köhler,
Isabel Gose, Lukas Mertens,
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