
Live : MPL KH Playoff Day3
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Dear PH MLBBers, Welcome to the THIRD DAY of the #MPLKH S6 Playoffs! After the testing against other teams and refining their skills as well as their strategies, all the warriors will perform their best to compete for a slot to the Grand Final in today. So do not miss these epic matches that start at 13:00 GMT+7 ! 🤩 CFU vs DRL - May 18 at 13:00 GMT+7 (BO5) Last Chance for The Dream: DRL improved so much compared to last season and got to a match that could get them to the Grand Final. And CFU is a team that has advanced to the Grand Final for two seasons. Which team will end the journey here and which team can continue to achieve their dreams? Lastly, the question of who will advance to the Grand Final will be answered in the match between FLKH and the winner of match 7 - 17:00 GMT+7 (BO5) #MPLKH #FightForTheKingdom #MLBBEsports #MPLCambodia #MLBB #MobileLegendsBangBang
MPL Philippines
Run time: 07:57:35
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