
Excitement after Brazil chosen as 2027 Women's World Cup host
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Women playing soccer in Rio's Ipanema beach were excited on Friday (May 17) after Brazil was named host of the 2028 Women's World Cup. Brazil was designated host after winning a vote at the annual FIFA Congress, beating the joint bid of Belgium, Netherlands and Germany to become the first South American country picked to stage the tournament. Brazil won with 119 votes versus 78 for the joint European entry, boosted by a technical evaluation from world governing body FIFA that gave a high score for its commercial plan and stadiums purpose-built for the 2014 Men's World Cup. In Rio, teachers and players of "altinha", a soccer spin-off consisting of keeping the ball in the air but without using hands or arms, said the decision will show Brazil is a country not just for men's soccer. The vote on the Women's World Cup had been whittled down to two candidates after the United States and Mexico withdrew to pursue the 2031 tournament instead. Brazil had scored 4.0 out of 5 compared to 3.7 for Belgium-Netherlands
Run time: 03:48
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Lalo mab
Ito ay handa sa canaan
I think it was essential for Brazil to be seen
because Brazil is already seen as a country of football,
only here on the masculine side.
And now we're going to show that women also have a lot of ball on their feet,
that we play a lot.
And besides that, I've already seen a very big search from the girls
to want to learn how to play highball, football, and football.
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