
Yumaman Dahil Sa Toothpaste | Cecilio Kwok Pedro PART 1
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In 1988, Cecilio Pedro decided to manufacture toothpaste under the brand name Hapee, founding Lamoiyan Corporation, named after his grandmother who introduced their family to the Christian faith. This story exemplifies the Filipino entrepreneurial spirit overcoming the odds. Pedro, once the president of Aluminum Container Inc., supplied aluminum toothpaste tubes to major brands like Procter & Gamble, Philippine Refining Company (now Unilever), and Colgate-Palmolive. Despite facing challenges, he transformed his business into a successful toothpaste manufacturer, showing resilience and innovation. Watch this video to learn more about Cecilio Kwok Pedro's inspiring journey and the lessons you can apply to your own entrepreneurial endeavors. Watch Part 2 From Here: If you want to learn how to start and grow your business, check this out: #negosyoasenso #webinar #chinkeetan #theYayamaninLife #TYL #Finances #DebtFree #business #Savin
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Run time: 35:34
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