

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word pagtaas in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word pagtaas:

pagtaás  Play audio #14316
[noun] rising; promotion; ascension; increase (in price)

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Root: taas
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Hindî sumang-ayon ang mga magulang sa pagtaás ng matríkulá.
Play audio #41099Audio Loop
The parents did not agree with the increase in tuition.
Nakabábaha ang pagtaás ng bilang ng mga nagkákasakít ng Covid-19 sa buóng mundó.
Play audio #41096Audio Loop
The increasing number of Covid-19 patients worldwide is alarming.
Waláng pagtaás sa presyo ng gasolina ang áasahan sa mga súsunód na araw.
Play audio #42355Audio Loop
No increase in fuel prices is expected in the coming days.
Nagpatingín akó sa doktór matapos ang biglaang pagtaás ng presyón ng aking dugô.
Play audio #41100Audio Loop
I went to see a doctor after a sudden increase of my blood pressure.
Ikinatuwâ ni Penelope ang pagtaás ng kaniyáng sahod.
Play audio #49680Audio Loop
Penelope was pleased with the raise in her wages.
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Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce pagtaas:

Play audio #14316
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