

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word magkahalaga in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word magkahalaga:

magkahalagá  Play audio #9813
[verb] to cost; to be worth; to amount to

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Verb conjugations of magkahalaga:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: halagaConjugation Type: Mag-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
magkahalagá  Play audio #9813
Completed (Past):
nagkahalagá  Play audio #19089
Uncompleted (Present):
nagkákahalagá  Play audio #19090
Contemplated (Future):
magkákahalagá  Play audio #19091
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Example Sentences Available Icon Magkahalaga Example Sentences in Tagalog: (6)
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Maaaring magkahalagá ng mahigít isáng milyóng piso ang kaniyáng edukasyón.
Play audio #38912Audio Loop
Her education can amount to beyond one million pesos.
Bihirang magkahalagá ng mas mura sa isandaáng piso ang pagkain sa restawrán na iyán.
Play audio #38915Audio Loop
The food in that restaurant seldom amounts to less than a hundred pesos.
Nagkákahalagá itó ng isáng linggóng kita noóng panahóng iyón.
Play audio #36026Audio Loop
It amounts to about one weeks' wages at that time.
Nagkákahalagá ng malakíng salapî ang pagtulong sa mga bíktima ng lindól.
Play audio #38913Audio Loop
It costs a lot of money to help the earthquake victims.
Ang isáng dolyár ay nagkákahalagá ng limampúng piso.
Play audio #36027Audio Loop
One dollar amounts to fifty pesos.
Nagkákahalagá ng halos isandaáng libong piso ang bagong bag ni Ella.
Play audio #38914Audio Loop
Ella's new bag is worth almost one hundred thousand pesos.

User-submitted Example Sentences (1):
User-submitted example sentences from Tatoeba who have self reported as being fluent in Tagalog.
Bumili ako ng isang kamera na nagkakahalaga ng 30 dolyares.
Tatoeba Sentence #3220412 Tatoeba user-submitted sentence
I bought a camera for 30 dollars.

Tatoeba SentenceNotice: The Tatoeba sentences are from and are provided under the CC BY 2.0 FR creative commons license. Some of the Tatoeba sentences are also under CC0 1.0. See their website for more details. This only applies to Tatoeba sentences and not the other sentences on All other sentences are © copyright protected by

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How to pronounce magkahalaga:

Play audio #9813
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Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
costcostscostedcostingworthbe worthamount toamountamountsamounts toamounted toamounting toamountedamounting
Grammatical Ligature:
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