

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word mapasama in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word mapasama:

mapasama  Play audio #10277
[verb] to happen to be included or accidentally be included; to belong; to be one of; to convince someone to join

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Verb conjugations of mapasama:

Root: samaConjugation Type: Mapa-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mapasama  Play audio #10277
Completed (Past):
napasama  Play audio #25631
Uncompleted (Present):
napápasama  Play audio #25633
Contemplated (Future):
mapápasama  Play audio #25634
Verb family:
masama  |  
sumama  |  
makasama  |  
makasama  |  
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Gustó kong mapasama sa kompanyáng iyán.
Play audio #46916Audio Loop
I want to be included in that company.
Sulit ba ang mapasama sa grupo nilá?
Play audio #46935Audio Loop
Is it worth it to belong to the group?
Huwág kang mapasamâ sa mga masamáng tao.
Play audio #46934Audio Loop
Don't come to be among bad people.
Hindî napasama si Jill sa masamáng barkada.
Play audio #46927Audio Loop
Jill didn't get into bad company.
Sa anóng sesyón ka napasama?
Play audio #46924Audio Loop
In what session were you included?
Biglâ akóng napasama kay Mira sa Bali.
Play audio #46928Audio Loop
Suddenly I joined Mira in Bali.
Napasama akó sa mga nakatanggáp ng tulong.
Play audio #46931Audio Loop
I was one of those who received aid.
Laging napápasama si Randy sa mga protesta.
Play audio #46929Audio Loop
Randy is always convinced to join protests.
Napápasama ang mga gamit ko sa mga gamit niyá.
Play audio #46915Audio Loop
My stuff gets accidentally mixed with his stuff.
Napápasama siyá sa akin kapág niyaya ko siyá.
Play audio #46922Audio Loop
He joins me when I invite him.
Related Words:
Words spelled the same with a different pronunciation, stress, or definition:
2:mapasamâ  Play audio #10278
[verb] to turn out bad; to become evil

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How to pronounce mapasama:

Play audio #10277
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
belongincluded inbe one ofconvincejoinhappen to be includedaccidentally included
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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